€ 170
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The Horse That Doesn’t Say Nay
Seahorses are strange creatures that aren’t actually that great at swimming. Their shape is made for hanging onto seaweed or other solid objects with their tail and sucking food in their mouths. Their digestive system isn’t very efficient since they don’t have a stomach, so they need to eat a lot and all the time. You might say they’re nature’s little vacuum cleaner. If you’re a fan of these unique animals, we have the perfect necklace for you, a golden seahorse. This little guy also makes a great gift for marine biologists, competitive eaters, zoologists, and gastroenterologists.
Animal skulls & bones
Drawing upon the intricate architecture of animal anatomy, our collection captures the haunting beauty of skulls and bones. Each piece serves as a tactile memento mori, reminding us of the delicate balance between life and death. Crafted with scientific accuracy, these masterpieces evoke a sense of awe and curiosity, offering a tribute to the intricacies of the natural world. Far more than mere adornments, they are conversation-starters that provoke intellectual dialogue.
Find your perfect fit: measure an Existing Ring
Finding out your ring size at home is a simple process and can help you shop for jewelry online with confidence.